Tuesday, April 17, 2007

the meaning of the blog

apparently, i don't make sense to people sometimes. i was teaching in a middle school classroom a few weeks back and the kids kept asking me, "what does that mean?" my vernacular has developed - nay, morphed - to the point where people need a special dictionary to understand me. it reminded me of a time in boulder, co, when i was trying to explain something to my friends betsy and steve. and i used a lot of words like "thingie" and "whatchamabobberdoo," and at the end of it all, betsy is nodding and steve is perplexed. "you understood that?" steve asks. "yeah," betsy says, "i speak margie." it kind of bums me out, because i think that i'm a fabulous communicator, but i guess that's really not the case.

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