Wednesday, May 23, 2007


i like to have an all-purpose word, something that describes any number of inanimate objects. i guess it's my version of the word "thing." in the past, i've used "thingamabob," which morphed into "doo-bobby," and then "jibby" came from "thingamajig." my current vocabulary word is "jibbity." let me give you some examples of conversations i have in my classroom using this word.

s: "mrs. woods, can i borrow a pencil?"
mw: "sure, there are a couple in the jibbity (cup) on the piano."

s: "mrs. woods, what does that marking mean?"
mw: "see that jibbity (crescendo) on the bottom of the page, that looks like a neernt-wernt (and yes, i do actually make that sound)? that means you should get louder and then softer."

thank GOD my students understand me. how unclear an educator could i possibly be?

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